Ashmark - the official symbol of the Sacrathene Theological Society

Sacrathene -

Pronunciation: SACK-ruh THEEN
Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A guiding philosophy within the Ausland Volunteers, Sacrathene instils profound respect for the ancestral community, heritage, and faith. It emphasises the sacred connection formed through shared lineage including their faiths & spiritual values, fostering an awareness of these ties as a living bond among members. By honouring both the faith and ancestry, Sacrathene inspires a collective duty to uphold and protect this legacy, preserving the spirit of their heritage across generations.


Sacra-; from the Latin. Meaning "sacred" or "holy" — It embodies the union of material and spiritual realms, binding each individual to a heritage that transcends time. In this harmony lies a profound calling, guiding the soul to its sacred place within the natural order.

-thene; derived from ethnos meaning "people" or "nation" — It signifies the enduring unity of a people bound by shared ancestry and culture. Through this kinship, a timeless strength arises, preserving the identity and spirit of the nation across generations.

Together, these terms evoke a profound connection to both heritage and identity, grounding each soul within a shared legacy that intertwines the sacred with the ancestral—an enduring foundation that unites past and present in a living tradition.

“Christ-Rune” by Oswulf

Adopted symbol of the Sacrathene Theological Society, and of the Ausland Volunteers

Sacrathene Society

Within Ausland Volunteers (AV), the Sacrathene Theological Society (S.T.S.) serves as a sacred space for reflection, study, and connection to the timeless principles that unite us. It is not a religion itself but a framework for honouring the ancestral teachings and faiths that have guided our people through the ages.

At the heart of Sacrathene is the Halven, a place of reverence and kinship, embodying both tradition and continuity. Here, members gather to observe, reflect, and honour the spiritual legacies that have shaped us. The Halven is not bound by any single doctrine but respects the structured devotion of their faith, recognising their roots in the enduring lineage that carries them forward.

Sacrathene upholds:

  • Kinship and Heritage: Reverence for the shared bloodline that links us to our ancestors and binds us to one another.

  • Faith and Ancestry: Respect for both pagan and Christian traditions, understood as vessels of the values and truths passed through generations.

  • Timeless Virtues: Courage, honour, loyalty, and resilience as guiding principles that transcend individual beliefs.

Sacraseers, as custodians of the Halven, guide members in exploring these teachings, fostering a deeper understanding of our shared heritage. Their role is not pastoral but reflective, helping members connect with the values that strengthen our unity and purpose.

Sacrathene regards divinity as a presence both within and around us, carried through the bloodline that connects past, present, and future. It honours the sacred essence that flows through our people, reflected in the spiritual traditions we observe and the legacy we uphold.

Through the Sacrathene Theological Society, Ausland Volunteers reinforces the bonds of heritage, virtue, and purpose. The Halven stands as a living testament to the strength of our lineage—a place where faith, tradition, and ancestry converge to inspire and renew us as a united people.